My Knitting Patterns

Feel free to use these patterns as you’d like, the chances of me coming round your craft fair and catching you selling stuff you’ve knitted from them are infinitesimal. Let me know below (or on ravelry, where I’m sarahleslie1) if you have any comments or have found an error! Click the title and then it should take you through to a pdf of the pattern.

Aran Flip-finger Gloves

2013-01-14 23.20.40

Simple Cable Boot Cuffs

2013-02-11 16.35.56



Butterfly Headband

2013-10-12 09.36.59

Iron Man fingerless gloves v2

2013-01-04 16.31.00

Spock Pointy Ears

Eyes removed to prevent future blackmail...

Fluffy Glittens


Lacy Mohair Hat

2013-08-21 22.04.58

Sarah’s simple cable hat


28 thoughts on “My Knitting Patterns

    1. I can’t quite remember, sorry! I know it was 2 very fine yarns that I used together to give the colour-changing effect – each was maybe 2, 3, or 4-ply. So I imagine the needles were in the region of 3.0mm.

  1. Love the boot cuffs. Easy gifts. Everyone wears boots nowadays!
    The pattern chart names the cable as C4F, but you really mean C6F, right?

  2. Hey, I am new to knitting. I was trying to make your boot cuffs today…and i noticed I have one cable on either side. Not both on one side crossing each other. Could you give me an idea of what im doing wrong? lol Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Hi Kylia,
      Sorry, but I’m really not sure what you mean by ‘one cable on either side’ so can’t help out – the cables in this boot don’t intersect with each other at all, so it doesn’t sound from that description that you’re doing something wrong. If you can send a photo or describe it better then I’ll try to help if I can! 🙂

    2. I have the same problem as kylia. doesn’t there need to be another cable row? I only have the cable going one way too.

      1. Sorry, I’m still not sure what you mean – there have been a lot of people doing the pattern and haven’t heard of the problem other than with Kylia. Do you have a photo and I can try and see?

      2. I just ran into the same problem and I think I know what we’ve done wrong… Our mistake was treating #1-9 as “rows” and not repeating rounds. For #1 [k6, p2], you’re supposed to repeat that for the whole round and then move to #2 which is a whole new round. If you only do each number once then the cables will end up on the same group of stitches each time. I haven’t yet gone back to fix my work but I think this is the trick.

  3. I’m having some difficulty finding the pattern for the cabled boot cuff. I only seem to find photos of the project. It’s probably by technological ignorance, but I really love cables and this pattern is lovely. Can you help?

  4. Hello. I found you by accident, while searching Ravelry for a pattern for boot cuffs. Such a delicious find and I look forward to following your blog. Thank you.

  5. Hi! I’m knitting your mask right now and have a couple questions.
    It says to purl all odd rows unless otherwise noted but the rows are numbered in odd numbers. So do I purl even numbers?
    Row 9 and 11 are the same. Should row 11 be k1, m1, k7, m1, k1?

    I’m making a mask for my friend as a ninja turtle mask. I really like this style…just a little confused. Thank you!!!!

    1. Oh hmmm, sorry about that! Must have been an issue with word when I was typing it up. It’s been ages since I made this so hopefully looking back over it the following works in practice – yes, I think you’re right in that 1. should be K then 2. should be P (and all even rows). And yes, I think row 11 is probably a typo and should be k7 in the middle.

      In case it’s not clear, when you’re working 16-35ish then you’re doing the top then bottom (or vice versa) of the bits around the eye, so make sure you leave the remaining stitches on a stitch-holder before doing the 2nd bit. Then row 36 joins them all together.

      Hope it works out well! Would love to see pictures of the finished mask if it does 🙂

  6. I think the pattern for the boot cuffs is printed wrong.Row 1 k6 P2 and same as the rows after, I believe it should be Row 1 K6 P2 and then it should be Row 2 K2 P6. Then way it is now you have 1/2 the cable in garter stitch. I’ve had to rip it out a couple of times. I hope this helps.

    1. Hi, I don’t think the pattern is wrong in this instance – are you knitting in the round? Knitting in the round means that you don’t ever do a “wrong side”. If you’re converting to knit flat then yes you’d need to reverse the second row – though in order to do the cable in row 6 I’d recommend doing K2 P6 in the odd rows rather than the even. Thanks for your interest!

  7. Hi there. I really love the boot cuffs and would like to knit some for my daughter in law but I can’t seem to get to the pattern. I clicked on the words but nothing happened. Please help! X

    1. Sorry, I don’t know what is wrong – it works for me when I click on the words or the picture. If it’s still not working, send me an email at sarah star 111 [at] hotmail com (without spaces etc) and I’ll send it to you!

  8. Hi! I’d love to make your boot cuffs as a gift and I noticed you had three size options. Are these adult sizes? Do you happen to know the approximate circumference of the finished cuff? Thank you!

    1. They are approximate adult sizes but I don’t have the circumference, sorry! She was a UK 10/12 I think and I made the small.

  9. Hello

    I will be making the Elf/Spock ears for my daughter as she hates wearing hats but complains that her ears are cold in winter, I might make several pairs in bright colours. Who knows I might wear a pair myself.

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